Words spoken by Mary at Rue du Bac

Despite the importance of these apparitions in propagating the Miraculous Medal, it is surprising how little was said that was meant to be publicly revealed.

Mary told Catherine that God wished to charge her with a mission, that she would have trials to bear and many difficulties to overcome, but that she would always have an inner certainty as to what she should do. She was told to tell everything she saw and heard to her confessor.

Mary then continued: “There will be bad times to come. Misfortunes will come crashing down on France. The throne will be toppled. The whole world will be turned upside-down by misfortunes of all kinds […] But come to the foot of this altar. There, graces will be poured out on all those, small, or great, who ask for them with confidence and fervour. Graces will be poured out especially [on tho]se who ask for them.”

Mary then returned to the theme of the sorrows coming to France and the whole world, but told her not to be afraid, since she would always be protected and granted many graces. A moment would come when everything would seem lost, but she should continue to have confidence since God was with her. Other communities and individuals though would have to suffer.

Mary continued with tears in her eyes:

“There will be victims […] There will be victims among the clergy of Paris; Monsignor the Archbishop will die […] My child, the cross will be held in contempt. It will be thrown to the ground. Blood will flow. Our Saviour’s side will be opened anew. The streets will run with blood. Monsignor the Archbishop will be stripped of his vestments …My child, the whole world will be plunged into gloom.”

She was also told about the new Association to be founded, the Children of Mary, of the way May would become a special Marian month, and of how devotion to the Sacred Heart would greatly increase.

“The ball which you see represents the whole world, especially France, and each person in particular. These rays symbolise the graces I shed upon those who ask for them. The gems from which rays do not fall are the graces for which souls forget to ask.”

“Have a Medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces; they should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for persons who wear it with confidence.”

Sources: Laurentin, The Life of Catherine Labouré; Dirvin, Saint Catherine Labouré.