Creation / Intelligent Design Books

Numerous Creation/Evolution books are available at the Kolbe Center site:

Creation Rediscovered : Evolution & the Importance of the Origins Debate by Gerard J. Keane , (397 pages). A ground-breaking book by a Catholic writer, one which looks at all aspects of the Origins debate in the light of authentic Catholic teaching, including philosophical aspects such as the influence of evolution on belief systems. Highly recommended and well worth buying and reading.

Below are books by Evangelical Christians: these are excellent resources which are concerned with the biblical and scientific evidence in favour of Creationism.

The Long War Against God : The History and Impact of the Creation/Evolution Conflict by Henry M. Morris, (344 pages). A very illuminating book which looks at the whole background to the rise of evolutionary thinking, demonstrating that such ideas, in one form or another, have been around since the dawn of history. Recommended for anyone who wants a thorough treatment of the history and baneful influence of evolutionary thinking. The Long War Against God – UK & Europe

The Modern Creation Trilogy : Scripture and Creation; Science and Creation; Society and Creation by Henry M. Morris and John D. Morris, (228, 343 & 202 pages). This is the definitive work on the subject, which in three volumes looks at all aspects of the scriptural, scientific and societal impact of evolutionary thinking on the modern world, and how this can only be countered by a Creation centered approach. A first class resource. The Modern Creation Trilogy – UK & Europe

Clues to creation in Genesis by P. J. Wiseman. This is an excellent little book which looks at the evidence for the view that the book of Genesis was actually written down on clay tablets, while also shedding light on the much-debated “six days” of creation. Very interesting and enlightening, and a great help in clearing up difficulties in accepting the testimony of Genesis as an authentic historical record.

The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris (c. 518 pages). This is widely acknowledged as the book which began the modern scientific study of Genesis and the Flood. It develops the “vapour canopy” model of the earth’s pre-flood atmosphere, and shows how the catastrophic destruction of this led to the Flood. This is a classic book which should be read by anyone who wants a basic grounding in Creationist thinking. The Genesis Flood – UK & Europe

After the Flood: the early post-flood history of Europe traced back to Noah by Bill Cooper (256 pages). As the subtitle indicates, this book looks at how the earliest Europeans traced their descent from Noah’s son, Japeth. Lots of extremely interesting evidence is put forward and the argument is well developed. Unfortunately, there are one or two anti-Catholic statements, but overall these are minor blemishes.

Intelligent Design Books

Darwin’s Black Box : The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Michael J. Behe, (307 pages). A very interesting, if somewhat technical book, which is concerned with the idea that many biochemical systems are so irreducibly complex that it is virtually impossible to see how they can have arisen by chance – hence the need for a super-intelligent Designer. Darwin’s Black Box – UK & Europe

Of Pandas and People : The Central Question of Biological Origins by Percival Davis and Dean H. Kenyon, (170 pages). This is a very useful book which deals with the subject of biological origins on two levels – an easier introductory chapter, and then six more in-depth “excursion” chapters, covering topics such as the origin of life, Genetics and Macroevolution, the origin of species, the fossil record, homology, etc.

Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe by Michael J. Behe, William Dembski and Stephen C. Meyer (234 pages). This book explores different aspects of the new “Intelligent Design” movement, which supports the traditional arguments for the existence of God. It combines the work of scientists in the three disciplines of mathematics, biochemistry and the philosophy of science, to make a compelling argument in favour of intelligent design. A bit technical, but well worth reading. Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe – UK & Europe